Engineering center

Completed projects

Vysotsk port
29.01.2019 |

Vysotsk port

ITC GOChS "BAZIS" for the object Port of Vysotsk, power unit No. 1 completed A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS, SMIK, SUKS systems at the facility "Terminal for the production and transshipment of liquefied natural gas in the port of...
Catalyst production with a capacity of 3000 tons per year
06.12.2018 |

Catalyst production with a capacity of 3000 tons per year

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the object. A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS system at the "Structured system for monitoring and control of engineering systems of buildings and structures SMIS of oligomers and glycols" PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim". SMIS production of KDI-M catalyst...
Nizhnekamsk CHP
23.11.2018 |

Nizhnekamsk CHP

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the facility Nizhnekamsk CHP completed A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS system at the facility "Construction of a pipeline of initial (river) water No. 1, 2 of Nizhnekamsk CHPP". Customer: JSC "TGK-16" - "Nizhnekamsk CHPP-1" Nizhnekamsk...
Nizhnekamskneftekhim Isoprene Monomer Plant
23.11.2018 |

Nizhnekamskneftekhim Isoprene Monomer Plant

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the Nizhnekamskneftekhim facility Isoprene-monomer plant completed A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS system at the facility "Technical re-equipment of isoprene production at the IM plant" Customer: PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" The main types of manufactured products: isoprene, methyl...
The first power unit of the Belarusian NPP
15.10.2018 |

The first power unit of the Belarusian NPP

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the object of the Belarusian NPP, power unit No. 1 completed • supply of equipment and materials to the object Customer: Joint Stock Company "Atomstroyexport" (JSC ASE) The Belarusian NPP is the first nuclear power plant in Belarus, of the AES-2006 type. It is located at...
Diaghilevskaya CHPP
20.09.2018 |

Diaghilevskaya CHPP

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the facility Diaghilevskaya CHPP completed A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS, SMIK, SUKS systems at the facility "Expansion of the Diaghilevskaya CHPP. Construction of a 115 MW CCGT unit, including the existing part of the Diaghilevskaya...
Launch complex of SC "Angara" of the "Vostochny" cosmodrome
04.10.2017 |

Launch complex of SC "Angara" of the "Vostochny" cosmodrome

IC GOChS "BAZIS" for the "Angara" launch complex, site 1A of the "Vostochny" cosmodrome performed: - development of STU SMIS; - development of design documentation for SMIS. Customer: JSC "31 GPISS" The creation of the Angara CSC is a task of special state importance. The commissioning of this rocket complex...
Construction of a separate industrial production of methylchlorosilanes "KZSK-Silicon"
23.01.2017 |
No category

Construction of a separate industrial production of methylchlorosilanes "KZSK-Silicon"

Engineering Center GOChS "BASIS" performed the following works for the facility "Construction of a separate industrial production of methylchlorosilanes "KZSK-Silicon": - adjustment project dokumenattsii SMIS; - development of SMES working documents. Cu stomer: VPO "KNRTU" PI "Soyuzhimpromproekt" Located on the territory of JSC "Kazan plant of synthetic rubber" production of...
Boguchanskaya Hydro Electric Power Plant
23.01.2017 |

Boguchanskaya Hydro Electric Power Plant

Engineering Center "BASIS" for the facility "Boguchanskaya Hydro Electric Power Plant" performed the following works: НМС СМИС - SMES construction and technical specifications;- PM GOCHS development;- SMES working documents development;- delivery of equipment;- construction and erection works;- commissioning works. Customers: PAO "Boguchanskaya Hydro Electric Power Plant", OJSC "STB" Boguchanskaya Hydro...
Launch complex of "Soyuz-2" space rocket at Spaceport "Vostochnyi"
23.01.2017 |

Launch complex of "Soyuz-2" space rocket at Spaceport "Vostochnyi"

Engineering Center GOChS "BASIS" performed the following works for the facility "Launch complex of "Soyuz-2" space rocket at Spaceport "Vostochnyi": - SMIS development of the TSA; - SMIS design documentation; - SMIS development of working documentation; - Supply of equipment; - Construction and installation work; - Commissioning work. Customer: OJSC...