
Vysotsk port

ITC GOChS "BAZIS" for the object Port of Vysotsk, power unit No. 1 completed

A full range of works, including design, construction and installation, commissioning and commissioning of the SMIS, SMIK, SUKS systems at the facility "Terminal for the production and transshipment of liquefied natural gas in the port of Vysotsk, Leningrad Region, with a capacity of 660 thousand tons of liquefied natural gas per year, including the gas pipeline branch from the main gas pipeline "Leningrad-Vyborg-State border" STAGE I

Customer: CJSC "Cryogas-Vysotsk"

The port of Vysotsk is located on Vysotsky Island in the Gulf of Finland, 90 km from St. Petersburg and 50 km from the Russian-Finnish border. There are railway and motor roads to the port. The total length of intra-port railways is 8.3 km.