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To the 100th Anniversary of the USSR. We come from the USSR
23.12.2022 |

To the 100th Anniversary of the USSR. We come from the USSR

100 years ago, on December 30, 2022, the first state in the world was created on a voluntary basis, in which power belonged to the people - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This meant that on the sixth part of the Earth, the wealth of the country, the result...
105 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution
08.11.2022 |

105 years of the Great October Socialist Revolution

On the night of November 7-8 (according to the new style), 1917, in Petrograd, on a signal - a shot from the Aurora cruiser, armed workers, soldiers and sailors, led by V.A. Antonov-Ovseenko captured the Winter Palace, overthrew the Provisional Government. And the All-Russian II Congress of Soviets, which was...
October 29 - Birthday of the Komsomol
27.10.2022 |

October 29 - Birthday of the Komsomol

On Saturday, the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM), an organization, turns 104 years old. In the Soviet Union, Komsomol, being a mass organization, had a colossal influence in all spheres of the country's life: industry and the economy, education and science, culture and art, sports and leisure. In every...
90 years since the formation of the civil defense system in Russia
06.10.2022 |

90 years since the formation of the civil defense system in Russia

Civil Defense Day of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation is celebrated in Russia annually on October 4th. It was on this day in 1932 that the all-Union system of local air defense of the USSR (LMA) was created by the Decree of the Government and the...
On September 23, 2022, the BAZIS company commissioned the SMIS, SMIK, SUKS systems of the Primorsky Oceanarium, a branch of the NSCMB FEB RAS, with the connection of the SMIS system to the PTK EDDS of Vladivostok
26.09.2022 |

On September 23, 2022, the BAZIS company commissioned the SMIS, SMIK, SUKS systems of the Primorsky Oceanarium, a branch of the NSCMB FEB RAS, with the connection of the SMIS system to the PTK EDDS of Vladivostok

Primorsky Oceanarium (a scientific and educational complex, a branch of the National Scientific Center for Marine Biology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) is an oceanarium in the city of Vladivostok. Located on Russky Island (Zhitkov Peninsula). Opened September 6, 2016. "Primorsky Oceanarium" is a...
Employees of EDDS of Primorsky Krai improved their skills in SMIS
16.09.2022 |

Employees of EDDS of Primorsky Krai improved their skills in SMIS

System 112 operators, operational duty officers, specialists, heads of the EDDS of the Shkotovsky municipal district and the EDDS of the Bolshoy Kamen urban district of Primorsky Krai (13 in total) improved their skills in SMIS under the program: messages from monitoring and emergency warning systems (SMIS) of facilities", 16...
June 12 - Russia Day
10.06.2022 |

June 12 - Russia Day

Russia Day is a state holiday of the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on June 12. On June 12, 1990 the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia, which proclaimed the supremacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws. Boris Yeltsin...
June 1 - International Children's Day!
01.06.2022 |

June 1 - International Children's Day!

In 1949, at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Women's Federation, the International Children's Day was established on June 1. Only four years after the end of World War II - and everyone, especially women, had fresh memories of its horrors and the suffering that wars...
May 19 - Birthday of the All-Union Pioneer Organization
19.05.2022 |

May 19 - Birthday of the All-Union Pioneer Organization

May 19 - Birthday of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. It is 100 years since the appearance of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. After the October Revolution of 1917 in many cities of Soviet Russia began to appear children's organizations, groups and associations. The Communist Party instructed the Komsomol to create a...
Radio day
06.05.2022 |

Radio day

The day of May 7 entered the history of world science and technology as the birthday of radio. It was on this day in 1895 at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society that the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov made a presentation and demonstration of the world's first radio...